Order execution
Fast and accurate, with no requotes
Record timing for order execution
Asset prices in the financial markets change within fractions of a second. Your success depends on how fast you can make decisions and take action.
That is why FBS offers the highest possible order execution speed.
95% of orders are executed within 0.4 seconds
No requotes
All FBS accounts use Market Execution of orders. Requotes are impossible.
We process orders with the NDD (Non-Dealing Desk) technologies – so they are offset directly into the systems of the liquidity providers.
We offer a variety of order types to suit your trading strategy
FBS clients have access to:
Market orders
Limit orders
Stop orders
Maximum number of orders
Up to 400 orders
Standard accounts allow you to have up to 400 orders at a time.
Order volume
Up to 500 lots
Order size may vary from 0.01 cent lot up to 500 lots.